a.         Precautionary Measures issued or extended by the Commission in 1996


          On January 24, 1995, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights requested the State of Mexico to adopt precautionary measures in order to protect the life and personal integrity of Mrs. Virginia Galeana García, witness in Case No. 11.520, Aguas Blancas, whose life was gravely and imminently threatened.  The request for such measures extended to the other two witnesses in the case indicated and their family members.  On February 7, 1996, the State of Mexico responded to this request.


          On January 29, 1995, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights contacted the State of Mexico and requested exceptional measures for the protection of Mr. David Fernández Dávalos, Director of the Miguel Agustin Pro Juarez Human Rights Center, the attorney José Lavadero Yanez and Rocío Culebro Bahena, Technical Secretary of the National System of Human Rights Civil Organizations “Every Right For All”, whose lives and personal integrity were gravely and imminently threatened.  Subsequently, the Commission requested the Mexican Government to extend and broaden these measures to other persons.  This situation is being reviewed under Case No. 11.682.  The State of Mexico, on February 9, September 10 and October 15, 1996, has sent responses with regard to this case.


          On February 17, 1995, the Commission requested the Federal Republic of Brazil to take urgent precautionary measures to protect the life and personal integrity of Father Ricardo Rezende, Vicario de Rio Maria in the State of Parana.  On March 20, 1996, the Commission requested that these measures also extend to Father Henri des Roziers.  Subsequently, on April 23, 1996, the Commission requested the State of Brazil to extend the protective measures to Mrs. María da Conceicâo Carneiro and her family.  In August 1996, the Commission reiterated the request for precautionary measures on behalf of these persons.


          On June 1, 1995, the Commission requested the State of Ecuador to implement precautionary measures on behalf of Mr. Jorge Vásquez Durand whose case was under review by the Commission under Nº 11.458 and who had been receiving grave and imminent threats against his person.  The Commission reiterated its concern for the situation of Mr. Vásquez Durand on October 31, 1995, November 30, 1995 and April 2, 1996.  The State of Ecuador has not responded at any time to the request for precautionary measures repeatedly submitted by the Commission.


          The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, on November 30, 1995, transmitted to the State of Guatemala a request for precautionary measures on behalf of César Ovidio Sánchez Aguilar, official of the Myrna Mack Foundation and of an indigenous peoples’ organization in Santa Barbara, Huehuetenango.  As a result of his work, Mr. Sánchez was threatened and attacked by local militia patrols and commissioned military officers in late 1995.  As a result of these events, Mr. Sánchez was obliged to leave the community.  The state declined to implement the measures requested, alleging that the matter was a private problem between individuals.  The Commission reiterated its request for precautionary measures on March 26, 1996.


          On December 18, 1995, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights requested the State of Mexico to adopt precautionary measures to protect the life and physical integrity of the members of the Union of Communities of the northern zone of Isthmus AC (UCIZONI) who had been victims of threats and harassment related to land ownership conflicts between villages in Arroyo Tejon and Mazatlan on the one hand and landholders named Fuentes and Raymundo on the other hand.  Mr. Juan Carlos Beas, President of the Commission on Justice and Human Rights of UCIZONI has reported that on repeated occasions he has received telephone calls threatening his life.  The State of Mexico sent their response on January 2, 1996.


          On February 20, 1996, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights submitted to the State of Colombia a request for precautionary measures on behalf of the Group of the Committee on Solidarity with Political Prisoners, Cúcuta Sector.  The persons whose lives and personal integrity were gravely and imminently threatened were Rafael Lozano Garaba, Gerson Edecio Leal Granados, Blanca Inés Rodríguez, José Merchan Basto, Alvaro Fernando Sanjuan Quintero and Jairo Ordoñez.  The measure indicated was also extended to the attorneys Juan José Landinez and Israel Vargas, who, in performing their activities as defenders of political prisoners, had been receiving threatening and intimidating calls.


          The request for precautionary measures also was extended to Rosa Elpidia Alzate Corredor, official responsible for receiving and processing claims and providing humanitarian assistance to persons detained for political reasons in the city of Popayán, department of Cauca, who had been the victim of continuous acts of harassment and threats against her life and personal integrity.  On November 6, 1996, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights reiterated the request to the State of Colombia.  On December 17, 1996, the Commission granted the State of Colombia an extension of 30 days to respond to these requests.


          On February 28, 1996, the Commission transmitted to the State of Colombia a request for precautionary measures on behalf of Mr. Pablo Lugo Herrera and his family, whose case was being processed by the IACHR under Nº 11.237.  Mr. Herrera had participated in a military operation as a result of which several persons were arbitrarily and extra-judicially executed; his testimony could indicate those who had taken part in these actions.  On May 10, 1996, the State of Colombia indicated that an official of the Presidential Advisory Board for Human Rights held a meeting with Mr. Lugo Herrera and a representative of the Colombian Commission of Jurists, for the purpose of analyzing and studying possible measures to be taken.  Subsequently, Mr. Lugo Herrera expressed his desire not to avail himself of any special protection plan and to rejoin the National Police or to join the National Bureau of Investigation.  On July 17, 1996, the claimant’s observations were transmitted to the State.  On September 17, 1996, the State of Colombia reported on the concrete measures taken by the State on behalf of Mr. Pablo Lugo Herrera.  This case is in the process of friendly settlement.


          On April 12, 1996, the Commission requested the State of the Dominican Republic to take urgent precautionary measures to protect the life, safety and personal integrity of Mr. Guarionex Villeta, as well as his family.  On February 22, 1996, during the 91st Regular Session of the IACHR, the testimony of the person indicated was received.  On February 29, 1996, the Commission requested additional information on the situation of Mr. Villeta, who on April 9 had been detained by police agents.  The State reported on April 19 that the reason for detention was related to an investigation on drug trafficking.  Subsequently, Mr. Villeta was released from custody.


          On March 2, 1996, the Commission requested the State of Guatemala to take urgent precautionary measures on behalf of Deborah Guzmán, Félix González, María del Carmen Cruz Fuentes, Valentina Castillo, María Isabel Sipaque Saragon and their families, who had received various death threats.  The State of Guatemala sent its response on April 11, 1996, indicating that it was in the process of implementing such measures.


          On March 14, 1996, the Commission requested the State of Guatemala to take urgent precautionary measures on behalf of Vilma Cristina González and Reynaldo Federico González, who were working for the Union of Bank Workers and in connection with their union work had received grave and imminent death threats.  A number of days afterwards Mrs. Vilma Cristina González was kidnapped and tortured.  For this reason, the request was reiterated on March 19, 1996.  The State sent its response on May 3, 1996, indicating that it had taken protective measures after the kidnapping.  On June 14, 1996, the IACHR requested confirmation that the measures were still in effect.  No response has been received to date from the State of Guatemala.


          On March 20, 1996, the Commission requested the State of Mexico to take urgent measures to protect the life, physical integrity and personal safety of Mrs. Graciela Zavaleta, a member of a group of human right defenders in Mexico, who found herself in imminent danger and had been receiving grave threats against her life.  Mrs. Zavaleta had appeared on August 11, 1995 at the municipal jail to verify the charges brought by family members of prisoners held in that establishment and had already been attacked and struck by a group of persons who accused her of defending delinquents and obstructing police work.  The State of Mexico sent its response on April 3, 1996.


          On March 19, 1996, the Commission requested the State of Guatemala to take urgent precautionary measures on behalf of Rosalina Tuyuc, Nineth Montenegro, Amilcar Méndez and Manuela Alvarado, members of the Guatemalan National Democratic Front elected to the Congress of Guatemala, who had been receiving grave death threats.  On April 15, 1996, the Commission reiterated this request to the State of Guatemala and requested that these measures be extended to the families of the persons indicated.  On May 24, 1996, the response of the State of Guatemala was received indicating that measures were being taken to protect the persons mentioned.


          On April 2, 1996, the Commission requested the State of Honduras to take precautionary measures on behalf of Mr. Abencio Fernández, legal advisor to the Committee on Human Rights of Honduras, CODEH, who, along with members of his family, had been receiving constant death threats because of his work as an attorney in the human rights organization indicated.   The State of Honduras has not responded as yet.


          On May 13, 1996, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights requested the State of Guatemala to take precautionary measures to protect the life and personal integrity of Mr. Tobias Sarceño Pérez.  The State of Guatemala responded on July 30, 1996, indicating that it was investigating the situation.


          On May 20, 1996, the Commission requested the State of Brazil to take urgent precautionary measures to protect the life and personal integrity of the attorney Osmar Barcelos do Nascimento, who had been receiving grave death threats as a consequence of his work as an attorney in defending human rights in the state of Espiritu Santo.  On July 21, 1996, the State of Brazil reported that the precautionary measures requested had been taken.


          On May 20, 1996, the Commission requested the State of Brazil to take urgent precautionary measures on behalf of a number of minors committed to the "Instituto Padre Severino”, “Escola João Luis Alves” and “Escola Santos Dumont” of Rio de Janeiro, who according to the petitioners were in grave and imminent danger of suffering irreparable harm.  The State of Brazil reported on July 26, 1996, on the measures taken to protect the minors indicated and improve the conditions of these detention centers.  On August 6, 1996, the Commission requested additional information in this regard.


          On June 13, 1996, the Commission asked the Dominican Republic to take precautionary measures on behalf of Josefina Juana, widow of Pichardo, who alleged that the Directorate of Migration was preventing her from returning to that country.  The Dominican Republic reported to the Commission, on July 9 of that same year, that it had lifted the measures preventing her return and that Mrs. Juana Pichardo could return without difficulty to the Dominican Republic.


          On June 18, 1996, the Commission transmitted to the State of Colombia a request for urgent precautionary measures on behalf of the Zenú community, of the Department of Córdoba, one of whose leaders had been murdered on May 16, 1996 by paramilitary groups in the San Andrés de Sotavento shelter; on May 25, the Secretary of the Town Council of San Andrés de Sotavento had been murdered and on June 4 pamphlets had been distributed threatening the indigenous leaders.  On July 31,1996, the State of Colombia sent a report on the measures taken.  At the request of the claimants, on December 17, 1996, the Commission requested additional information from the Colombian State.  On January 15, 1997, the State of Colombia sent its response to the observations of the petitioner.


          On July 17, 1996, during the on site visit conducted by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in the Republic of Mexico, precautionary measures were requested on behalf of Mr. José Nava Andrade and 15 members of the Organization of Pueblos and Settlements (OPC), who had been victims of kidnappings and torture because of their presumed links with the Peoples’ Revolutionary Army (EPR).  On August 1, 1996, the Commission requested that the State of Mexico take the measures indicated.  On August 16, 1996, the State of Mexico sent its response to that request.


          On July 22, 1996, the Commission requested the State of El Salvador to take precautionary measures on behalf of Mr. Adrián Esquino Lisco and members of his family who, following a dispute over ownership rights to cooperative land, had been gravely threatened by local groups linked with the police forces.  On August 23, 1996, the State of El Salvador responded to the Commission on the measures taken.


          On July 30, 1996, the Commission requested the State of Guatemala to take urgent precautionary measures to protect the life and personal integrity of Brenda Mayol, her sons, Oscar René, Igor Alfonso and Rembrant Carlos Trujillo Mayol and her fellow workers Vidal Días, Rene Días, Rosa Zinico and Thelma López.  These persons were working in the legal office IXCHEL, which defends human rights, the environment, women and children in Peten and as a result of their work had been the object of constant harassment and threats.  The State of Guatemala responded on September 12, 1996, indicating the measures it was taking to protect the lives and physical integrity of the persons indicated.


          On August 23, 1996, the Commission requested the State of Guatemala to take urgent precautionary measures to protect the lives and personal integrity of Rosario Hernández Grave, Manuel Hernández Ajbac, Manuel Mendoza Jolomocox, Jesus Chaperón Marroquín, Gustavo Vásquez Peralta and Rogelio Cansi, witnesses to the murder of Martín Pelico Coxic and six other persons, members of the Militia Patrol of San Pedro Jocopilas, which occurred on June 27, 1995, following which the witnesses and the families of the victims had been the object of constant death threats.  Under case 11.658 the Commission is reviewing charges with regard to the summary and extra-judicial execution of these persons.  On September 27, 1997, the State of Guatemala responded that it was taking measures to protect the persons indicated.


          On September 10, 1996, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights requested precautionary measures on behalf of Mr. Roberto Girón and Pedro Castillo Mendoza, who had been sentenced to be executed.  On September 12, 1996, Guatemala responded, sending an explanation as to why it would not implement the measures requested.


          On October 21, 1996, the Commission transmitted a request for urgent precautionary measures to the State of Honduras to protect the lives and personal integrity of a group of minors who were being held in the San Pedro de Sula prison.  Among other considerations, it was indicated that these minors had been confined with adults convicted for a variety of serious crimes.  The State of Honduras, on October 28, 1996, presented information on the facilities prepared for the minors.  The case is still under review under Nº 11.491.  On December 26, 1996, the request for precautionary measures was reiterated and information was requested as to the concrete actions taken to implement the measures requested.


          On November 8, 1996, the Commission requested the State of the Dominican Republic to take urgent precautionary measures to protect the lives and personal integrity of Virgilio Almanzar, Tomás Castro and Luz Altagracias Ramírez de González, and other witnesses in a case submitted to the consideration of the CIDH:  Nº 11.324.  The State of the Dominican Republic responded on November 27, 1996, indicating that it had requested the National Police to conduct an investigation of the threats as well as to arrange for custody of each of these persons.  On December 9, 1996, the petitioners sent additional information on the case, which was transmitted to the State on December 17, 1996.


          On December 6, 1996, the Commission requested the State of the United States of America to suspend the execution of Mr. Richard Steven Zeitvogel, who had been tried and sentenced under the laws of the State of Missouri for the murder of his cell-mate Gary W. Dew.  No response has been received from the State to date.


          On December 6, 1996, the Commission requested the State of Colombia to take urgent precautionary measures to protect the life and personal integrity of Mr. Antonio Suárez Niño, Penall Circuit Judge No. 22 of Bogota and President of the National Association of Judicial Employees and Officials.  Mr. Suárez Niño had been the object of grave threats and harassment since 1993.  On January 20, 1997, the State of Colombia responded to the Commission's request.


          On December  19, 1996, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights asked the State of Brazil to take precautionary measures to protect the life and personal integrity of a number of individuals who had been threatened by a death squad composed of members of the civil police, known as "the golden boys" in the northern part of the State of Rio de Janeiro.  The persons thus threatened are involved in the protection of human rights who had denounced the situation of the group in question.   The response from the State of Brazil is being awaited.