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The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) has among its pending cases case No. 11.762 concerning Mr. Baruch Ivcher Bronstein. The State of Peru on 17 March 1999 requested an extension, from 18 March 1999 to 31 March inclusive, of the deadline for submitting the Ivcher case to the Inter-American Court "with a view to facilitating a friendly settlement of the case, based on respect for the human rights recognized in the American Convention". The request has also been agreed to by Mr. Ivcher, in the terms set out in his correspondence dated 18 March 1999. The Commission therefore decided yesterday to grant an extension of the above-mentioned period in order to initiate the process for a friendly settlement and hopes that the case will be resolved within this additional period. The granting of this extension means that, if necessary, the deadline provided for in Article 51(1) of the American Convention on Human Rights for submitting the case to the Inter-American Court will be extended.



 Washington, D.C., 19 March 1999